The Fed was created to control the economy, which is a socialist
mentality. They feel that they can take the ups and downs out of the
normal economic cycle. Eventually the progressives got their opportunity
to test their theory. In 1929 we began the great progressive Utopia.
Roosevelt did what the progressives wanted; they almost eliminated the
middle class. That left only the rich and the poor. FDR was hailed a
hero because he provided the jobs in which he stole from the people to
begin with. It was only death that kept FDR from becoming dictator.
It was only until the end of ww2 in which taxes were dramatically lowered that the country climb out of the depression created by the progressive’s Utopia, but the Fed remained. Enter 2007 and we watched, as the fed seemed to weekly lower the prime rates in an effort to maintain a strong economy, all the while the great housing bubble created by the progressives began to leak. In 2009 that bubble burst and the Fed dropped lending rates to near zero.
It was only until the end of ww2 in which taxes were dramatically lowered that the country climb out of the depression created by the progressive’s Utopia, but the Fed remained. Enter 2007 and we watched, as the fed seemed to weekly lower the prime rates in an effort to maintain a strong economy, all the while the great housing bubble created by the progressives began to leak. In 2009 that bubble burst and the Fed dropped lending rates to near zero.