For years we have seen people posting
memes about how the white, mainly British, people stole land from
native Americans(indians). There is no doubt some things that happen
in the past wouldn't be acceptable today. Almost every country in the
world has had its borders changed because of war and colonization.
The world of 300 years ago was a lot different from the one in which
we live today—or is it?
President Obama made it clear he was
against African colonists. Not all aspects of British colonization were bad,
but I want to speak more to the colonization of North and South
America. I've watched over the years as a friend and others posted
memes about how white people stole native lands. This is something
that happened 300 years ago, but we're reminded of it daily.
You might be asking why we're reminded
of something that happened 300 years ago, and why are white people of
today being blamed? No one alive in America today stole anyone's
land. This is simply a political tool devised by the Democratic Party
to divide the nation in order to gain power. I've written before how
War history has been revised by both parties for political gain.