Every weeks it seems democrats have
some new plan to solve all our problems. This week it's bail reform.
They say requiring bail is racist and bigoted. They are telling us
that more blacks are in jail than whites because they can't pay the
smallest bail. For this reason they want to do away with the bail
system all together. So far, I have heard no clear plan for a
replacement, just elimination.
Imagine this scenario. A mass murderer is
arrested. Instead of placing him in a police car, he is handed
something similar to a speeding ticket that tells him to call a
number to find out when he can appear before a judge. He is then
released back into the public while he awaits trial.
I did lay out the most extreme case,
but I saw nothing on nationalbailout.org
that said anything to the contrary. Even if they wanted to eliminate
bail for non-violent offenders, they would still leave a lot of
dangerous people walking the streets. You might say innocent until
proven guilty, but police spend a lot of time and money to find
alleged criminals. This is why we have bail hearings to decide who
should be detained and who can be released.